set up an Instagram account knows, the platform Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List only gives you a single link to place in the Bio section of your profile. You’re not able to add links to individual posts on top of it, which is why you’ll often see Instagram users close their captions with “link in bio.” This limits you as a marketer. While you can launch several ad campaigns on Facebook and post several links in tweets a few times every hour, Instagram forces you to give marketing campaigns short shelf lives. You can’t promote different products
several times a week nor are you able to promote Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List every blog post you publish. You either need to shorten your marketing campaign for each product or piece of content you promote, or market fewer products for longer. The result is having to manually swapping out your bio link on a regular basis. Clearly, a different approach is needed. Fortunately, there are a number of different tools that can help you optimize your Instagram bio link in unique ways. The first four tools we’re going to cover were made
specifically to extend the limitations of your bio Armenia Cell Phone Numbers List link. Instead of linking to a single page, such as your website, shop or blog, they allow you to link to more pages and content. Here’s an example we made using Shorby, one of the tools featured below: Instagram Landing Page Example View Live Example We’ve included links to our most popular content, our website, and lead generation page. We’ve also cross-promoted our social media profiles. This type of page can be used for other social networks such